Area Surveying, Inc.


Land SurveyingLand SurveyingDevelopment SurveysDevelopment SurveysPlanning Surveysbox_empty2DFW Area MapsDFW Area Maps

Planning Surveys

Large or small, a successful project being with a good survey to enable planning.

Elevation Surveys
  • A Topographic Map provides a detailed look of the slope, improvements and other conditions of the land.  A Topographic Map, or, "Topo" is frequently used by architects and engineers for design.
  • An Elevation Certificate is the first step in obtaining federally backed flood insurance. If you have been notified that your property lies in the 100-Year Flood Plain, we can provide you with this certificate which is used to obtain flood insurance.
Tree Surveys

Whether you are looking to incorporate native landscape into your own property or you are developing a large tract and want to enhance its value a Tree Survey will help assist in successful planning. Additionally, many local governments now require a Tree Survey before authorizing development.  
